Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's over...

Well, after almost fourteen years of my life, I am done with school!  Today was my last ever school exam, and the last time I ever have to go to school, at all.  I have mixed feelings about this, on one hand it is the beginning of the rest of my life, and what looks to be one of the most exciting experiences ever.  But, on the other hand, I don't want to leave at all, School has been the 'normality', the thing that I have done everyday, what my life has revolved around for the last fourteen years.  I don't want to leave that, it's not that I like the place, it's the idea, my life is changing and it's terrifying, exciting, but terrifying.  I can't wait to get to university, but I know this summer is going to go far too fast, and that there will be so many things I won't get done.  I am going to miss so many great people, and probably even the people who aren't so great.  I love my friends, but I can't wait to make new ones, in a new place, and I hope I keep in touch with the old ones.  So, the years ahead are going to be full of adventures, I hope they are good for everyone that I know, and that they get what they want, if it's what they should have.  Granny always said 'everything happens for a reason'.

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