Sunday, May 25, 2008

Last Day!

Well, the time that is ahead of me is so exciting, filled with new adventures and new challenges and I'm so excited for that.  But... this time is also filled with a lot of goodbyes and endings, which I'm not looking forward to so much.  Friday was my last day of school, which we had been counting down to since september, but then when it got to the day, i didn't want it.  I'm ready to leave a lot of things about school, but it really is a huge step, seven years spent there has suddenly finished and I feel a bit lost to be honest.  It was a really fun day, and most of our year, as well as a couple of staff went out in the evening, which was great.  I just can't believe it's over, school has been the regular thing in my life for the last fourteen years.  Thursday was also my last day at volleyball, which was also sad.  I've met some amazing people over the last few years, and I'm so grateful for that, but i just don't feel ready to leave them, not yet.  The end was inevitable, we'll stay in touch, but it won't be the same.  I guess it's just one of those things that has to happen, September will bring whatever it does and i'll go along with it.  I just wish i had longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! Congratulations. That is so awesome that you've finished. I know exactly what you mean though about wanting this day to come for so long and then, when it's here... Eek! Life moves pretty fast, and it only gets faster so enjoy this summer & university as much as you can. Savor it :) I'm so excited to see what comes next for you! Congrats again!!!